“I Wanna Marry Harry” – Oy Vey

This might be the most embarrassing show for American women I’ve seen in a long time. I’m actually kind of embarrassed that I watched the first episode. I’m exponentially more embarrassed that I am probably going to watch some of the rest of it.

"Harry" and the American women vying for his affections.

“Harry” and the American women vying for his affections.

Yes. This is a real show on Fox. Let’s start with this on Fox’s level. I can see some upper level executive saying “The Royals are really hot right now. How do we cash in on this?” In my mind he’s got his feet up on his desk and he’s puffing away at a cigar. Naturally, a dating show was the way to remedy that.

I imagine the next difficult part was finding a guy who looked enough like Prince Harry and then to convince him to do the show. If I looked like one of the Royal Family members I would just use that to my advantage in everyday life. It’s gotta be a enough of a plus that you wouldn’t need to go on American television to find love. This guy, Matt Hicks, though, was fair game. Good for him. Maybe it’s a “why the not?” type of thing. At least I hope it is.

To be fair he does kind of look like Harry. Although Matt is a natural blonde. He also just looks younger than the almost 30 year old prince. Do you guys think he looks like Harry?HarryMatt

Next, where do you find girls dumb enough to believe that Prince Harry would go on a show (an American show) to find an American woman?? This part makes me sad. Sure, they were told they were going to be on a show competing for a British guy’s heart, but once they saw “Harry,” I would have hoped they would have peaced out. Some of the girls say they don’t care if he’s actually Harry or not. Good for them, but just the fact that they think there’s a chance that it’s Harry is so… silly. I mean Harry and Cressida Bonas just broke up last month, this show was well into filming by then. It may have even wrapped up before the real Harry and Cressida split.

But at it’s core it’s no different than Joe Millionaire, or The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Just a group of singles looking for love. The girls are catty and poor Matt/”Harry” is overwhelmed. So of course it’s addicting. I may find myself watching on Tuesday nights. Hey, it’s summer and Lord knows that summer TV can be a desert of dumb programming.

One thought on ““I Wanna Marry Harry” – Oy Vey

  1. You had the right word, DUMB. I hate those shows that make women look stupid, needy and degraded! Bachelorette is the worst.

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